Wednesday 9 May 2012

Welcome to Chairman Cameron’s communist state of Britain

Step 1 in David Cameron’s attempt to copy China and censor the internet has begun today with forcing virgin media to block website the Pirate bay. To get past Chairman Cameron’s firewall I suggest you download The Onion router bundle here. This will not only allow you to get past Chairman Cameron’s firewall but will allow you to help those in other communist states like China get past there censorship.


  1. I don't think anyone will ever stop piracy completely, I wonder perhaps media companies should approach pirate bay and offer 30 or 60 day trials on all media.. then when it expires and people like it they could buy it..?

    1. This is actually how most people probably use P2P services. The Problem for the Music industry is that it petentially puts people of as they know how bad something is before they buy it. But the oposite is also true pink floyd, peter green, steve vai, Joe Satriani are all artists who have made money out of me that they would not have done without P2P because there music is not promoted by the record companies yet it is infinetly better than what is promoted.
