Friday 27 July 2012

Romney has the Olympic Gold for Upper Class Twit of the Year sewn up for sure, It's a #Romneyshambles

Mitt Romney's visit to the UK has become a complete shambles it always amusing to see light weight American politicians outside their own country they always look terrible and make you realise that even a mediocrity like Cameron looks good compared to Mitt Romney. This is a politician who "retroactively resigned" from Bain Capital to try and avoid questions about his awarding of Olympic contracts to his own companies and who won't release his tax returns the contents of which are so bad that John McCain chose Sarah Palin ahead of Mitt Romney to be his running mate. The Guardian has a timeline of MittRomney's day of shame. i will leave you with this comment from a member of fark which sums Romney up very well.

"Walker: Now you see what we have to deal with Brits. The guy baptizes dead people against their family's wishes, bullies people with long hair, ties dogs to roofs on long road trips, belittles people poorer than him (nice raincoats you have there, trash bags) and lies constantly."

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